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Design & Marketing

Charlies Travels

What we've done for Charlies Travels Scroll

Halfway of 2018, Charlies Travels approached us to work together on their new website. They had multiple desires concerning a new digital presence.

Charlies Travels is a Dutch travel agency based in Nairobi, Kenya. They offer personal made Africa travels.

What we did


  • Visual style
  • New blog filtering
  • Africa Inside Out
  • Travel Stories


  • Google Adwords
  • Social Media Campaigns
  • Landingspages
  • E-mail Funnels

The biggest wish of Charlies Travels was to improve the user experience of the website. We improved both the interaction design and the visual style.

We started with interviewing Charlies Travels, to find out what their wishes were for the website. What do they want to communicate to their clients? What is the feeling they want to create? After we gained insights we started sketching multiple wireframes and tested them on usability with paper-prototypes.

After testing and finalizing the interaction design, we referred to Charlies Travels’ old style guide and began reworking it. We created clearer distinctions between primary, secondary, and tertiary colors to make it easier for website visitors to differentiate between multiple call to action buttons.

Additionally, we used subtle variations in shadows to make the website appear more dynamic.


New blogfilter

Charlies Travels produces a vast amount of content, primarily to provide visitors with information about traveling in Africa, but it’s also an effective way to improve their search engine ranking.

They asked us to create a clear filtering system to help visitors easily find the content they’re looking for.


Africa Inside Out

Charles, the founder of Charlies Travels, embarked on a one-year journey through Africa with a film crew and copywriters to explore new travel routes. They filmed and wrote blogs about this journey.

We created a new page on their website where the video and textual content was combined per country and per chapter.


Travel Stories

Charlies Travels is not your average travel agency. Their main Unique Selling Point (USP) is the personal contact they have with their clients before, during, and after their trip. They offer that little extra, the “+1”.

To strengthen this, we set up a completely new blog system on their website where clients can maintain their own blog. Users can create an account via Google or Facebook, follow each other, share their stories, and like stories.


Besides all the design work, we have done many marketing tasks for Charlies Travels. We started working with Google Adwords, Facebook ads, integrated a chat on their website, made landingspages in Unbounce, did A/B tests to see which textual and visual approach worked best to get new leads. Besides that we implemented marketing automation funnels.

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At Brize, we're specialized in building eye-catching websites and data-driven marketing strategies. Contact us today to find out how we can help your business.

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